Friday, March 5, 2010

Banana Plant Fertilizer Requirement

banana plant fertilizer information
(Musa spp. Colla)
Cultivar : Dwarf : “Jahaji” (Dwarf Cavendish)
Medium Tall : “Chenichampa”, “Malbhog”, “Bar Jahaji”
Tall : “Pura Kal” (Kach Kal),“Manohar”, “Jati, “Bhimkal”
Manure and Fertilizer :
12 kg FYM/plant
110 g N/plant
33 g P205/plant
330 g K20/plant
In case of Jahaji K20 may be improved up to 550 g/plant. lest of Barjahaji 200g N/plant in three splits (3rd month, 5th month and shooting period) should be apply.

FYM should be apply at the time of planting. The whole of P205, half on N and half of K20 should be applied in 3rd month of planting. The remaining N and K20 should be applied in 5th month of planting.

Soil request of different micronutrient combination of B (6g), Zn (9g), Cu (6g) and Mo (1g) per plant for Borjahaji is useful. Micronutrient mixture of B, Zn, Cu & Mo at the same rate for Chenichampa and B & Zn mixture for Jahaji increase the production.

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