Friday, March 5, 2010

Fertilizer for Rose Plant

Rose plant manure fertilizer

ROSE (Rosa spp.)

Variety : Hybrid Tea :
Super Star, Arjun, Lal Makhmal, Hapiness, Rakta Gandha, Avil’s Spakra, Avon, Blue Moon, Century Two, Christian Dior, Crimson Glory, First Prize, Friendship, Illona, Kiss of fire, Kronenbourg, Swarthmore and Jawahar. Floribunda : Queen Elizabath, Arunima Banjaran, Chandrama, Mohini, Suryakiran, Navsadabahar and Sindoor. Ployantha : Anjali, Nartaki, Pink Showers, Echo, Cameo, Baby Fanrach.
Rambler : Amercan Pillar, Albertine.
Miniature : Cri Cri, Mimi, Babi Masquerade,
Bonny, Cindrella, Coralin,
Pixie, Rosmarin, Starina,
Chandrika, Dark Beauty,

Manure and Fertilizer :
Instantly after pruning, during the months of October-November, The top soil just about the base of the plant is dig out up to a depth of 10 to 15 cm and kept showing for 2-3 days, then filled with half a basket of well decomposed FYM and then covered with the excavate soil. The soil packed down around the base and swamped with water. Urea @ 10 g per plant is to be applied 20 cm away from trunk and mixed carefully before watering. Super phosphate at the same rate may be applied after the flower buds have just begun appear since it promote flower production.

A foliar feeding with 2 parts Urea, 1 part Dihydrogen ammounium phosphate, 1 part potassium nitrate and 1 part Potassium phosphate @ 3 g per lit. of water is an brilliant supplement to root feed. This solution is thoroughly sprayed on both side of the foliage and stem. occasionally, insecticides can also be added to the key if required. Foliar feed should start 5 weeks after pruning and given at 10 days interval. Foliar feeding should not be done when the plant is in bloom.

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